A Message from Pastor Karen

On Sunday we will celebrate the Day of Pentecost, lifting up the coming of the Holy Spirit and the beginning of the church. It is a joyous day! The liturgical color is red, and we ask that you wear red on Sunday. We will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. On this date closest to the birth date of this church, the Endowment Committee will lead us in dedicating the gifts received this year. And we will have an opportunity to exhibit faith in action by the Offering of Letters for the Farm Bill. It’s a busy day!

 The first Pentecost was a busy day, too. Suddenly, there came a sound from heaven like the rush of a violent wind and tongues of fire rested on them, causing each to speak in other languages. They were filled with the Holy Spirit! Those gathered were from many different places and communicated in different languages, yet by the Spirit’s power, they all understood what was being said. Diversity - the Spirit blessed us with diversity and an openness to true communication and communion. Filled with the Spirit in, around and through us, may we always continue to seek diversity, community and openness for the healing of the world.

Happy Birthday, Church!

Rev. Karen